Slice of Life Day 25: For Every One By Jason Reynolds

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher, I received an advanced digital reader's copy of For Every One by Jason Reynolds. This book is another Jason Reynolds treasure, that truly is for every one. 

It provides inspiration for those that are in the midst chasing their dreams, those who have forgotten their dreams, those who are frustrated with their dreams, and those who aren't sure dreaming is worth it anymore. 

It reads as a letter that serves as a comforting pat on the back, the inspiration to keep going, and the fire you need lit under you, all at the same time.

For Every One is expected to be released on April 10 and I can't wait to order copies for many people I know. It will be my go-to graduation gift this spring!


  1. Thanks for the recommendation! I always appreciate a little inspiration. Great idea for "go-to graduation gift" sounds good too. :)

  2. Great to hear! Mine is on pre-order and your post makes me think I’ll need some gift copies.

  3. I am supposed to go see him tomorrow night. I haven't finished my report cards. But I totally need to work on my dream. I'm wondering if I need to make it work!

  4. Thank-you!!! I saw him speak at NCTE. The man is gifted. This wasn’t on my radar, so I appreciate the review.


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